We have a long tradition of voting against somebody. That’s how Doug Ford was elected 7 years ago. Not because people liked him, but simply because they hated the previous premier of Ontario Mrs. Kathleen Wynne. The level of participation in 2018 elections was unprecedented – everybody was running to vote against Kathleen.
What we have now? Seven years later? The answer is: a complete disaster. In my 34 years living in Ontario the economic situation never was as bad as we are having it today. The economic crisis of October 2008 is a mild joke comparing to what we have now.
A reasonable question is what the provincial conservatives under the leadership of Mr. Doug Ford were doing for the last seven years? And why we need to trust them for another four years? Did we already hit the bottom in our economic troubles, or the provincial conservatives can make it much worse?
Occasionally watching on TV the Provincial Elections Debate between Liberals, Conservatives, NDP and Greens I figured that nobody of them is offering any feasible plan of saving our troubled economy. There were only populist slogans and nothing more.
Why “occasionally watching TV”? That’s because I threw out TV around 15 years ago. The usefulness of it is close to zero, but it causing headaches, deprive you from other activities and degrade your brain. In the other words – watching TV makes you stupid. You brain is working always – with one exception – it is not working when you watching TV. Do you know what will happen to any part of your body when not in use for a prolong time? Yes, that part will fade away. That’s applicable to your brain as well, but not only. I have in my circle at least two people who seriously damaged their spines by watching TV in the same bent position for hours.
Mr. Doug Ford knows very well how he was elected first time back in 2018 and decided to use the same strategy now. It is not a secret that so many people hate now Mr. Justin Trudeau and his Liberal Party. Mr. Doug Ford wants to use the same proven elections strategy – that people in their hate against Trudeau and his Liberals with rush to the election polls to vote against them by voting for the provincial conservatives. We will see soon how it is going to work.
Another trick is that this election is “unscheduled general elections”. That means unexpected, three times shorter and aggravated by the February snow storms. The provincial conservatives knew about it in advance and get well prepared. But the other parties do not. Before this election we had 25 provincially registered political parties. Now have only 20 political parties because at least 5 political parties didn’t have enough time to register at least two candidates, and faded away. In general, the number of registered candidates in this election is much lower comparing to the previous general elections of 2022.