2025 Provincial Debate Questions and Answers
Topic: Ontario’s response to U.S. tariffs
1. The tit for tat trade tariff situation between the U.S. and Canada is causing great concern for the impact these tariffs will have on Ontario’s economy. Please describe any additional non-tariff measures your party has planned beyond those laid out by the Federal government.
We need to get less dependent from US by building our own industrial production. Instead of exporting raw materials to US and then importing back it as ready products – we need to process those materials on our own.
2. Given that tariffs are going to have a very negative impact on Ontario’s economy, what should the Ontario government do to support Ontario companies when and if they begin to experience negative economic impacts on their businesses due to the tariff situation?
We need to ignore US sanctions against Russia, China and Iran and start shipping our goods there. We lost the billions of dollars by joining those sanctions.
Topic: Healthcare
Ontario residents are experiencing unacceptable wait times in emergency departments for urgent care and diagnostic imaging appointments–especially MRIs. Specifically, please describe how your government would clear up the bottle necks in hospital waiting rooms and for diagnostic imaging appointments?
Does not matter how many hospitals we would build. It is not a solution and never will be. Instead we are promoting a moderate life style that will considerably reduce amount of sick people. It is similar to the Amish and Mennonites life style, but without a Christian doctrine and without some extremes like walking barefoot or riding horse-drawn wagons.
Topic: The Economy
a) Housing Affordability
Many Ontarians are unable to find affordable housing. They can’t afford to purchase a home and many cannot afford the cost of a rental unit. As a result, Ontario is experiencing a homelessness crisis across the province and many municipalities believe the responsibility and costs are being downloaded onto them. If your party were to form the next provincial government, how would you resolve this crisis? Please be specific.
We will create Bank of Ontario and offer our own mortgage rates to the people of Ontario. We will stimulate investors building more homes in Ontario by reducing the over two year time to evict bad tenants to just three months as it was before the Ford government.
b) Food security
Prices in all sectors of the economy have escalated and are expected to escalate further. This is having a huge impact on all Ontarians but specifically, those who are restricted by fixed incomes and low wages. Food banks are bursting at the seams. What affordability and food security plans does your party have to help our most vulnerable citizens?
We need to admit that the real inflation is not 2% as Bank of Canada is stating, but around 10%. The low wages and fixed incomes like pensions and so on should be protected against inflation by indexing it the same 10% each year.
Topic: Lake Simcoe
Lake Simcoe is an important natural feature in our community…and its health is important to the residents of this riding. Please tell us what your plans are to assure us that the health of Lake Simcoe will receive priority consideration by your government.
We will put more money in improving the outdated sewage water treating plants in the municipalities around Lake Simcoe.
Topic: Transportation
The province is currently moving forward with the 400/404 link (aka Bradford Bypass), are you supportive? Why or why not?
We do support the 400/404 link. It will save the air in Newmarket and will reduce aggravation by going very slow through the heavy traffic in Newmarket. It was supposed to be built at least 20 years ago.
Two minutes at the end of the interview to tell our audience about your platform:
We are society of sick and lonely people. It shouldn’t be this way. We are the only political party in Canada promoting a real conservative life style. We are promoting the face-to-face social connections between people, family values, physical activity, and interaction with nature including gardening, fishing, hunting, rural living and much more.