Canada was industrialized by British Empire in preparation to the World War II. The United States were building a lot of military installation and airfields along Canadian border. The British understood that Americans would easy blockade any military supply from oversees and that only solution is to build that military production in Canada. They also intended to use chemical weapons and produced a truly incredible amount of chemical weapon in Canada.

But the war didn’t go well for the British. British Empire seized to exist. On August 14, 1940 Winston Churchill surrendered all British Colonies including Canada to the United States of America. On August 18, 1940 American soldiers landed in Halifax. I hope that all you understand what it means having foreign soldiers on your territory. Why they landed in Halifax? Because in Halifax there was a huge stockpile of different ammunitions including storage of chemical weapon that Americans needed to take under their control as soon as possible.

The United States demonstrated very little interest in any further industrialization of Canada. Whatever British had built in Canada started slowly to fade away. Back in 1990th all downtown Toronto was full of plants and factories. Where all those plants and factories now?

Canada avoided severe recession back in October 2008. That recession was a recession of industrial production. But Canada is NOT an industrial country any more. A collapse of industrial production in US caused a serious slowdown of all US economic for almost five years. However, a closure of few enterprises in Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver didn’t have the same dramatic impact. The initial panic subsided and with help of Chinese money country quickly returned back to the construction boom.

Back in 2008 Chinese investors got seriously scared by the collapse of American economy and wanted to dump back into Unites States all American dollars by purchasing in the US essential businesses like naval ports and mining enterprises. In summer of 2009 American Congress said no to such intentions. Desperate Chinese investors immediately turned their eyes to Canada that did not object to such investments. The Chinese started to dump into Canada billions of American dollars that caused our dollar jumping over the roof. Since we are very tiny country in regard of population comparing to China, it took Chinese almost to year 2015 to dump into Canada all their US dollars. After it the Canadian dollar immediately went down comparing to the US dollar.

In 2013 Russia changed alliance from United States to China. Canada immediately responded by severing all economic ties to Russia and what indeed appeared to be very damaging to the Canadian economy.

In the following seven years China quickly integrated Russian economy into their own by connecting Russia and China by roads, bridges and pipelines. The speed of construction was truly fantastic and was justifiable only by war efforts. In year 2020 China announced that country is ready for a war. But the Chinese did not specify with whom they are going to fight. You may guess.

In 2020 both competing camps – US and China organized training known as “Covid-19 pandemic” preparing populations for the biological war.  

On February 24, 2022 Russia invaded Ukraine and shortly after military actions started also in the Middle East and Africa. What is basically a Third World War but in a slow motion. The essential part of it is also a currency war. The foreign investors started to pull money out of the United States and to dump the American dollars. The United State was forced to defend the dollar by increasing the interest rates to the incredible levels thus keeling its economy. Canada followed and did the same. However, the impact of the rising interest rates on the Canadian economy was many times higher comparing on the impact on the US economy as American economy was saved by increased military production and by relocation of some energy-dependent European companies to the United States. At some point the Americans realised that they cannot any longer to hold those rates so high and they eased the rates a little. Canada has followed. It didn’t help much as it is too little and too late.

Many people have a hope that Mr. Pierre Poilievre and his federal conservatives will win the next federal election and that they will save the country. It is not going to happen because they are not offering anything new beside some populist slogans.